Congrats – you're in !

You are now ready to join our community of GrydPark hosts.

Getting started is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3 … 👇

Check markStep 1

Set-Up Your Account

Email GrydPark (psst … check your email for this step)

We emailed you a unique registration link for the GrydPark Portal.

This is your ticket to activate your spots and start earning!

Didn’t receive the email? Check your spam folder. If it’s nowhere to be found, let us know!

Activate Your Spots!

Activate both your property and your spots in the GrydPark Portal to start getting bookings!


Watch these quick 20-sec tutorials to learn!👇

Set-Up Auto-Deposit

Email GrydPark psst … check your email for this step.

We use RBC PayEdge to send the money you earn directly to your bank account.  You’ll find an email from them in your inbox.

Didn’t get the email? Check your spam and junk folder just in case. If it’s not in there, let us know!

Looking for more answers?

Contact Us